In response to the RVCA warning about water levels in the Rideau watershed, and advice to lake property owners to take “appropriate” steps to mitigate flood damage, the LSRLPOA Executive decided today to approve further action to ensure adequate flow down the outflow stream of Little Silver Lake. There is an extensive beaver dam at that point, and two additional pipes will be installed to permit clearance of freshet and storm surges. This work should be done on Sunday 10th April if we have sufficient volunteers at the dam.
The Lake Steward has also noted that his “fixed” dock is no longer attached to the rock, and so all boating should beware of a large floating structure that will be very low in the water. Please let him know if it is sighted. This is expected to drift southwards from the island.
All property owners are encouraged to check their own and their neighbours waterfront equipment for damage or loss.
Please check our website for further updates during the coming weeks.
Frank Johnson